210 W. Burnside Ave, Suite D Chubbuck ID 83202

210 W. Burnside Ave, Suite D Chubbuck ID 83202

Softwave Tissue Regeneration Technologies


Tissue Regenerative Technology



TRT/MTS SoftWave is a noninvasive therapeutic device using a patented breakthrough method of shock wave generation that brings unprecedented advantages to sports med and regenerative medicine in rapidly relieving chronic pain and greatly accelerating recoveries with sustaining results. This is not incremental, it is transformative and unique.

TRT/MTS OrthoGold 100 SoftWave is the only unfocused ESWT technology available, and it is scientifically validated to accomplish the following:

  1. Immediately shuts down the inflammatory response at the treatment site. This has been linked to modulation of various signaling molecules, including TLR3 and NO. Results are typically immediate and sustained relief of chronic pain and release of adhesions. Restored range of motion is a common effect.
  2. Sustained improvement of blood flow. This has been linked to the release of VEGF and other key growth factors and cytokines, as well as a boost in ATP, leading to neo angio/vasculogenesis at the treatment site and regenerative effect. TRT SoftWave (called MTS SparkWave in Europe) is scientifically validated to recruit and activate endogenous stem cells.

Additionally, SoftWave elicits biofeedback by which “origins of pain” can be precisely identified, serving an invaluable role in treatment effectiveness.

One to three noninvasive, atraumatic applications are all that is typically needed in many instances. SoftWave does not create, nor does it rely on, micro traumas to work. Instead, it gently causes cells to shed microvesicles, which puts healing cascade communication rapidly into play.

SoftWave is Unique, Patented and Profound. The patented unfocused electrohydraulic design of the TRT/MTS SoftWave Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy device brings unique and profound advantages for healing and recoveries of the human body:

  • 100% atraumatic to tissue and cells
  • Near-immediate pain relief in certain conditions.
  • Sustained blood flow improvement.
  • A wave delivery zone thousands of times larger than focused or planar designs.
  • Demonstrably more efficient and effective.
  • Typically, 3 applications or fewer needed.
  • Real-time biofeedback provides precision guidance of application to problem origin areas. No need for imaging or trigger point references.
  • Transformational vs. incremental.
  • The only Unfocused Electrohydraulic ESWT available in North America, and it has FDA 510(k) clearance.

 Additionally, TRT/MTS SoftWave ESWT is…

Utilized by professional sports teams

Utilized by top medical institutions

Top choice of many sports legends, active and retired.

Has helped thousands heal and recover in record time.


It’s best to refer to the device as “softwave therapy” as there is much confusion regarding “shock wave therapy” since many manufacturers produce devices that do not actually create a “shock wave” yet are marketed as such. This has created confusion in the market place as well as turned off many to the technology since the mislabeled devises produce inferior results.

Knowing the different types:

It’s important to understand where SoftWave fits into the big picture of the very broad term and market of, “shock wave therapy.”

There are 2 main categories of shock wave therapy:

  1. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT), and
  2. Radial Pulse Therapy (radial/ballistic devices go by many names rSWT, rESWT, RPT, EPAT, and many others). They do not produce a true “shock wave” as defined by physics (they produce a sound wave), they work on a different principle, and they are comparatively very limited as to what they can treat. Radial Pulse devices have been incorrectly referred to as “shock wave” for so long that it has stuck, though it is technically not correct.

Under the ESWT umbrella, there are 2 main categories:

  1. Focused (relying on microtrauma to tissue, very small treatment zone, requires many applications over weeks/months time, and lacks the level of science that unfocused has.) Within Focused ESWT, there are three ways to produce the wave:
  2. Electrohydraulic (of the 3 methods, it is demonstrated to be the most efficient and effective – see below),
  3. Piezoelectric (focused and focused/planar. very little published science, typically many applications needed),
  4. Electromagnetic (Scientifically shown not to be high enough energy to produce an actual shock wave, little published science, many applications needed).
  5. Unfocused (SoftWave). TRT owns the patents to unfocused ESWT (as well as several key processes – see attachment) in North America and utilizes the electrohydraulic method to generate the waves. SoftWave (called Spark Wave & Ortho Wave in EU) is non-traumatic to tissue or cells, the treatment zone is thousands of times larger than focused or planar, it has far more published science than any other ESWT device, it is scientifically validated to elicit a strong anti-inflammatory effect and to recruit/activate endogenous stem cells, to vascularize tissue, to promote healing, and to kill pathogens.


BALLISTIC SHOCKWAVE…Does not produce a shockwave


“Although the ballistic source investigated marketed both the terms “shock wave” and “focused’ the device technically does NOT generate a focused shock wave. Electrohydraulic (EH) sources employ focusing by means of a reflector and generate chock waves at the spark source; for all settings the EH results in a shock wave at the focus. Electromagnetic and piezoelectric sources also use focusing but do NOT generate shock waves at the source.

RADIAL SHOCK WAVE THERAPY: Does not produce a shockwave at current pressure output


“It was shown that shock formation did not occur for any machine settings and that a true shock formation could be reached if the maximum initial pressure output of the device is doubled.”


Patented TRT/MTS SoftWave therapy ESWT technology stands alone in the industry with quality and quantity of peer-reviewed published scientific literature validating mechanisms of action at molecular and cellular levels. All “shock wave” devices are not created equally, and one must be sure to read the scientific research applying to each specific device, if one is to gain an accurate understanding of the particular device one is seeking to learn about. Many “shock wave” distributors list studies on their websites that did not use the specific device they offer, but are presented as if they did. AcoustTek only lists scientific studies that used TRT/MTS devices.


The best kept secret in professional sports is becoming understood as the silver bullet in a team’s armamentarium. Top Sports Med clinicians across the country have been quietly using SoftWave for years on injured star athletes, seeing unprecedented acceleration of recovery times. As success after success mounts, SoftWave is now becoming more widely understood to be the profound advantage that makes a tangible difference to who plays on the field and who stays in rehab.

Some Notable Testimonials:







“Extracorporeal Shock Wave Therapy (ESWT) is broadly used as a non-surgical therapy in various diseases for its pro-angiogenic and anti-inflammatory effects. ”

“We can summarize the final effect of ESWT as a general improvement of tissue homeostasis and metabolism, accompanied by improving of the tissue self-healing abilities. Evidence from basic science and clinical studies indicates that this effect involves the ability of shock waves (SW) to support proliferation and differentiation of stem cells, which significantly contribute to tissue healing, but besides stem cells, many other cell targets, including endothelial cells, bone cells, and small unmyelinated nerve fibers, have been involved in ESWT therapeutic potential”

“In most recent years a key role in tissue repair and healing has also been attributed to the innate immunity system, and macro-phages in particular play an important role in this setting, both for their key role to control shift from acute inflammation to either its chronicization or resolution phases and for their ability to recruit and stimulate stem cells”

“SW are biphasic high-energy acoustic waves characterized by an initial positive very rapid phase of high amplitude, followed at a distance of microseconds by a sudden phase of mild depression responsible of the biological activity on living tissues. In agreement with the definition proposed by Huang C and collaborators as a therapeutic intervention that reduce and reverse injury to damaged tissues or promote the homeostasis of healthy tissues by mechanical means at the molecular, cellular, or tissue level SW are today considered a form of mechanotherapy. As for most forms of mechanotherapy in clinical use, ESWT mainly focus on improving tissue regeneration and, consistent with this, clinical results indicates that besides reduction and/or inhibition of apoptosis, the clinical efficacy of ESWT is tightly related to its ability to improve neovascularization and matrix remodeling in tissues”

“The body of scientific data demonstrating that ESWT can induce t issue healing and regeneration through mechano-transduction has brought to the present view of SW as immunomodulators during the wound healing process, which is also well in line with recent evidence indicating that SW influence the TLR3 pathway.”



“In conclusion, treatment of calcific tendinitis of the shoulder with shock waves has produced a high rate of success in pain relief and functional restoration with negligible associated complications. ESWT is a new therapeutic modality that appears to be both safe and effective for these patients.”





“Acoustic wave stimulus are seen to:

  • Promote tissue regeneration (aberrance rectification)
  • Increase tissue resilience – growth facilitation and fatigue resistance
  • Improve muscle tone and postural stability
  • Similar outcomes seen in both young athletic and older subjects
  • In the athletic population, these outcome potentially increases career longevity to sports institutions these outcomes could provide investment security against over use injuries.
  • In the ageing population, these outcomes suggest that they could hold a pertinent key to: sarcopenia, falls prevention, improved quality of live”

The influence of medical shockwaves on muscle activation patterns and performance in healthy athletes: a preliminary report


Discussion & Conclusion:

From what has been elucidated about the influence of ESWT on tissue suggests:

  • Acoustic mechano-transduction influences the cellular-matrix via a myriad of:receptors sensory substances
  • Promoting favorable cellular communication, interaction and integrity.
  • Our investigation suggests that this favorable cascade may not be restricted in pathology but in healthy subjects as well.
  • The sustained muscular response and performance improvements (>20 weeks) yielded from this investigation asks the question:
  • Can we prevent overuse syndromes by increasing muscle resilience?
  • Can we assist athletes achieve their goals more safely and effectively?


BALLISTIC SHOCKWAVE…Does not produce a shockwave


“Although the ballistic source investigated marketed both the terms “shock wave” and “focused’ the device technically does NOT generate a focused shock wave. Electrohydraulic (EH) sources employ focusing by means of a reflector and generate chock waves at the spark source; for all settings the EH results in a shock wave at the focus. Electromagnetic and piezoelectric sources also use focusing but do NOT generate shock waves at the source.

RADIAL SHOCK WAVE THERAPY: Does not produce a shockwave at current pressure output


“It was shown that shock formation did not occur for any machine settings and that a true shock formation could be reached if the maximum initial pressure output of the device is doubled.”

The following studies are for informational purposes only and offer insight into mechanisms of action behind the OrthoGold 100’s intended purpose: 


Softwave therapy is a new and upcoming technology.  Introducing the OrthoGold 100 which uses patented Softwave Technology to heal a variety of orthopedic conditions.  This machine has been nicknamed "The Stem Cell Machine"

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